5 Easy Tips on How to Clean Sunglasses Without Damaging Them

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5 Easy Tips on How to Clean Sunglasses Without Damaging Them

When it comes to our sunglasses, keeping them clean goes beyond just maintaining their stylish appearance. Clean sunglasses are essential for protecting our eyes and ensuring the longevity of our beloved eyewear. However, cleaning them improperly can lead to scratches or damage. 

In this guide, we will unveil five easy and effective tips on how to clean sunglasses without causing any damage. By following these steps, you can keep your shades crystal clear and ensure optimal eye protection.

#1 Gather the Necessary Supplies

Before diving into the cleaning process, it's crucial to gather the right supplies. To clean your sunglasses effectively, you'll need a few items.

Soft Microfiber Cloth

A soft microfiber cloth is a must-have for cleaning sunglasses. Its delicate fibers are designed to be gentle on the lenses, minimizing the risk of scratches or damage. Unlike paper towels or rough fabrics, a microfiber cloth will effectively remove smudges and residues without leaving behind lint or streaks.

Mild Soap

Opt for a mild soap that is gentle and free from harsh chemicals. Avoid using strong detergents or abrasive cleaners, as they can potentially strip the lens coatings or harm the frame material. A mild soap, when used correctly, will effectively break down oils, fingerprints, and other stubborn marks on the sunglasses.

Lukewarm Water

Lukewarm water acts as a valuable ally in the cleaning process. It helps to rinse away surface dirt and debris, providing a clean canvas for thorough cleaning. Remember, lukewarm water is the preferred choice, as extreme temperatures can potentially damage the lenses or frames.


#2 Rinse the Sunglasses

By rinsing your sunglasses under lukewarm water, you effectively remove loose dirt, dust particles, and other debris that may have settled on the lenses or frames. These tiny particles, if not removed, can act as abrasive agents during the cleaning process and potentially lead to scratches or damage. The gentle stream of water helps dislodge these particles, ensuring a clean canvas for the subsequent steps.

When performing the rinse, it's important to ensure that the water is lukewarm. Extreme temperatures can be harmful to the lenses or frames, so opting for lukewarm water is the safest choice. Avoid using hot water, as it can cause thermal stress to the lenses, compromising their integrity over time.

Take a moment to appreciate the transformative power of this simple step. By rinsing your sunglasses, you lay the groundwork for a successful and effective cleaning process, leaving you with clearer vision and pristine eyewear.

#3 Clean the Lenses

Now that your sunglasses are rinsed, it's time to clean the lenses. Start by applying a small amount of mild soap to your fingertips and gently rub it on both sides of the lenses. This soap acts as a cleanser, effectively removing smudges, oils, and other residues. 

Remember to use circular motions while cleaning and avoid applying excessive pressure, as it may lead to lens damage. Rinse the lenses thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove any soap residue.


#4 Dry and Polish the Sunglasses

Once you've successfully cleaned the lenses of your sunglasses, it's time to give them the finishing touch by ensuring they are thoroughly dried and polished. This step is crucial in achieving crystal-clear lenses that are free from smudges or streaks. Follow these steps to properly dry and polish your sunglasses:

Grab a Clean, Lint-free Microfiber Cloth

Ensure that the cloth you use is clean and specifically designed to be lint-free. A microfiber cloth is ideal for this purpose as it absorbs moisture effectively and is gentle on the lenses. Avoid using paper towels or rough fabrics, as they can potentially leave scratches on the delicate lens surface.

Gently Pat the Lenses and Frames

With the microfiber cloth in hand, gently pat the lenses and frames of your sunglasses. The cloth will absorb any remaining moisture, leaving the lenses dry and ready to be polished. Be careful not to apply excessive pressure while patting, as it may cause damage to the lenses or frames.

Polish the Lenses

Once your sunglasses are dry, use the same microfiber cloth to polish the lenses gently. Using circular motions, work your way across the lenses, ensuring that any remaining smudges or streaks are eliminated. Take your time during this step to achieve the desired level of clarity.

Upon properly drying and delicately polishing your sunglasses, a stunning transformation unfolds. Lenses that were once obscured by smudges and imperfections now reveal a world of visual clarity. With meticulous care, your sunglasses are ready to take on the world, shielding your eyes with unwavering style and grace. 


#5 Store Properly to Maintain Cleanliness

Proper storage is the unsung hero of sunglasses maintenance, working hand in hand with cleaning to ensure lasting cleanliness and optimal performance. When you're not donning your sunglasses, grant them the protection they deserve by storing them in a dedicated case. This simple act shields your shades from the elements that can compromise their pristine condition - dust, dirt, and the potential for unsightly scratches. A snug-fitting case with a soft interior lining provides a cozy sanctuary for your eyewear, keeping them safe and secure.

Remember to be mindful of how you place your sunglasses when storing them. Tempting as it may be to rest them face-down, it's wise to resist this urge. Placing them in such a position exposes the delicate lenses to the risk of encountering abrasive surfaces that can mar their clarity. Instead, adopt the habit of storing your sunglasses face-up, allowing them to rest on a cushioned surface or within their protective case. This simple adjustment protects the lenses and maintains their pristine appearance for longer.

Beyond avoiding face-down placement, be conscious of the surfaces on which you rest your sunglasses. Countertops, tables, or other exposed areas may harbor dust particles or be prone to spills. By designating a specific tray or area for your sunglasses, you create a safe haven where they can remain shielded from potential hazards. Establishing this dedicated spot demonstrates your commitment to their care and ensures that they're always ready for your next fashionable outing.

Giving proper attention to storage can elevate the level of cleanliness and protection! This conscientious approach pays off in the long run, preserving their appearance and extending their lifespan. 

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